
Martes, 28 Febrero 2017 13:16

IEEE Big Data 2017 Call for Workshop Proposals

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Los invitamos a participar en el Call for Workshop proposals de la IEEE Big Data 2017, que se realizará del 11 al 14 de diciembre del 2017 en Boston, MA, USA.


The Program Committees of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2017) invite proposals for Workshops. Selected workshops will hold a central position within the larger conference, which will bring together top academic and industrial researchers from all over the world to exchange cutting edge research ideas in Big Data research, development and practice. Within these fields, workshops at Big Data form crucial focal points for emerging communities and forums for the examination of new ideas.

Call for workshops

Workshop organizers will be responsible for advertising the workshop, forming the program committees, reviewing and selecting the papers, and guaranteeing a high quality worthy of the prestige and breadth of the Conference. All papers accepted for workshops will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, made available at the Conference.

The workshop organizers will also have the discretion of editing selected papers (after their expansion and revision) into books or special journal issues. Workshops should cover at least a single session (6 regular papers). The workshop organizers should ensure registration and presence of authors of accepted papers.

Each workshop subject will focus on new research challenges and initiatives in Big Data. The workshops should provide an informal and vibrant forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their research results and practical development experiences in Big Data research, development and practice. Workshop topics may be narrow, e.g., Clouding Computing/Grid Computing/Stream Computing for Big Data; Big Data stream Mining, Big Graph Data Mining, or broad, e.g., Big Data Foundations , Big Data management, Big Data Mining and Searching, Big Data Privacy and Security, Big Data Application, etc (Pls refer to the IEEE Big Data 2017 http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2017/ for more possible workshop topics). Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to contact workshop chairs for feedback.

Important Dates:

  • May 10, 2017: Worshop proposal submission
  • June 5, 2017: Notification to workshop proposers
  • June 20, 2017: Each workshop organizer sends out Call for Workshops Papers

Consulte más información AQUÍ

Información adicional

  • Fecha inicio Conferencia: Lunes, 11 Diciembre 2017
  • Fecha fin conferencia: Jueves, 14 Diciembre 2017
  • Lugar conferencia: Boston, MA, USA
Leído 9230 Tiempo Última modificación Martes, 28 Febrero 2017 15:09