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Sustentación Tesis de Doctorado: Andrés Dario Moreno Barbosa

La Escuela de Posgrados del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación invita a la sustentación de la tesis de doctorado de Andrés Dario Moreno Barbosa.

Titulo: Privacy-enabled scalable recommender systems


Harold Castro - Uniandes

Michel Riveill - Université de Nice

Presidente del Jurado: Frederic PRECIOSO - Université de Nice


Claudia Jiménez Guarin - Uniandes
Florent Masseglia - INRIA Sophia Antipolis

Breve Resumen

Recommendation systems are used by several online retailers, online content streaming services and social networking sites to improve the user's experience of their services by automatically filtering their content or offers of items to the ones most likely to interest the user.

It is critical for recommender systems to provide good recommendations even when the number of items or users increase in the system. On my thesis we focused on providing privacy to these systems, which has an impact on how good the recommendations are and how the systems react as the number of users, items and recommendation requests increase in the system. The tradeoff between these systems.

Fecha: Miércoles 10 de diciembre

Hora: 7:00 a.m.


Edificio Hermes - Sala de Producción Audiovisual
Universidad de los Andes
Carrera Primera # 18A-12

Información adicional

  • Fecha: 2014-12-10
  • Hora: 07:00
  • Lugar: Salón de Producción Audiovisual - Edificio Hermes
Leído 5230 Tiempo Última modificación Miércoles, 08 Marzo 2017 11:56