
Viernes, 11 Noviembre 2016 00:00

Oportunidad PostDoc en Data Science and Engineering en la Universidad de Uppsal

Te invitamos a conocer la oferta de PostDoc en Data Science and Engineering en la Universidad de Uppsal en Suecia.

Description of the subject area: The position is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 VIRT-EU project “Values and Ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in Europe.”

The project includes six European research partners besides Uppsala University: IT University of Copenhagen (DK), London School of Economics (UK), Open Rights Group (UK), Politecnico di Torino (IT) and Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (DK).

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A goal of the project is to map the ethical practices of European hardware and software entrepreneurs, maker and hacker spaces, and community innovators.

The candidate will join a newly established research group on data science and engineering. The objective is to develop new methods to model, analyze and mine large complex networks and collaborate with other partners to reach the project’s goals. Topics of interest include multilayer networks and other types of attributed graphs.

The position is for two years, and may include teaching, at most 20%.

Para mayor información escribir un correo a Leslie Evelyn Solorzano Vargas le.solorzano10@uniandes.edu.co

Leído 3080 Tiempo Última modificación Viernes, 11 Noviembre 2016 12:12