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Sustentación tesis de doctorado: Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking-Based Routing for Rural Internet Connectivity

Invitamos a nuestros estudiantes y profesores a la sustentación de tesis doctoral "Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking-Based Routing for Rural Internet Connectivity" de nuestro estudiante Carlos Velásquez-Villada, el próximo 12 de julio a las 9:00am. 

Titulo: Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking-Based Routing for Rural Internet Connectivity

Rural networking connectivity is a very dynamic and attractive research field. Nowadays big IT companies like Google and Facebook are working to help connect all these rural, disconnected people to Internet. This Ph.D. thesis introduces a new routing algorithm that can bring non-real-time Internet connectivity to rural users. This solution is based on previously tested ideas, especially on Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking technologies, since they can be used to transmit messages to and from difficult to access sites. This thesis introduces the rural connectivity problem and its context. Then, it shows the research process to obtain the proposed solution, starting from routing algorithms for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks to the final proposal, along with their mathematical models used to describe these problems, their proposed heuristics and their results.

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Director: Profesor Yezid Donoso 

Co-director: Profesor Michał Pióro de la Warsaw University of Technology.

Autor: Carlos Velásquez-Villada


Julio 12 del 2016


9:00 a.m.


Salón W - 202

Universidad de los Andes 

Información adicional

  • Fecha: 2016-07-12
  • Hora: 9:00 am
  • Lugar: W-202
Leído 5330 Tiempo Última modificación Miércoles, 08 Marzo 2017 11:51