
Cuarto Seminario Grupo IMAGINE

El Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación los invita hoy 31 de agosto al cuarto Seminario IMAGINE

 Visualization, analysis and quantification of pulmonary parenchyma deformations in 3D images in presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, is a pulmonary deficiency caracterized by inflammation, permeability in the lungs, and collapsed alveoli resulting in hypoxemia. The syndrome appears along with a other pathologies and mechanical ventilation is used to keep the patient alive while the main cause is treated. Appropriate ventilation reduces the mortality rate. In this project data was calculated and extracted from lung CT scans to help doctors assess ventilation-parameter settings and reduce collateral damage produced by an unfitting ventilation.


Lunes 31 de Agosto


12:30pm a 1:50pm


ML Auditorio C

Presentada por:

Leslie Solorzano


  • Pablo Figueroa
  • Fernando De La Rosa
  • Marcela Hernández
  • José Tiberio Hernández, Vanessa Pérez


• 12:30pm – 12:40pm: Bienvenida y Refrigerio
• 12:40pm – 1:50pm: Presentación Visualization, analysis and quantification of pulmonary parenchyma


Información adicional

  • Fecha: 2015-08-31
  • Hora: 12:30m
  • Lugar: ML Auditorio C
Leído 5389 Tiempo Última modificación Lunes, 31 Agosto 2015 14:22