
Charla: Inkjet printed flexible and disposable RF electronics

El Grupo de Investigación GEST (Grupo de Electrónica y Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones) del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica les invita a la conferencia: INKJET PRINTED FLEXIBLE AND DISPOSABLE RF ELECTRONICS, a cargo del Professor ATIF SHAMIM, PhD de la King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Arabia Saudita.

Además de la charla, el profesor Shamim presentará los programas de intercambio y de becas con los que cuenta la King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

With the advent of wearable sensors and internet of things (IoT), there is a new focus on electronics which can be bent so that they can be worn or mounted on non-planar objects. Moreover, there is a requirement that these electronics become extremely low cost, to the extent that they become disposable. The flexible and low cost aspects can be addressed by adapting additive manufacturing technologies such as inkjet printing on low cost plastic and paper substrates. This talk introduces inkjet printing as an emerging new technique to realize low cost, flexible and large area systems in the field of Radio Frequency (RF) electronics. The recent interest in inkjet printed RF electronics is due to the latest developments in nano-particles based conductive inks which can achieve conductivities close to that of bulk metals. In addition to the conductive inks, dielectric and semiconductor inks are also emerging. In this talk, a multilayer process will be presented where dielectrics are also printed in addition to the metallic parts, thus demonstrating fully printed devices. Many inkjet printed designs, primarily for wireless sensing applications, will be shown. In the later part, it will be shown how 3D inkjet printing of plastics can be combined with 2D printing of metals. The promising results of these designs indicate that the day when electronics can be printed like newspapers and magazines through roll-to-roll and reel-to-reel printing is not far away.

Si desea conocer más acerca de la investigación del profesor Shamim, lo invitamos a revisar la página de su grupo de investigación: Integrated microwaves packaging antennas & circuits technology


viernes 17 de marzo del 2017


Edificio Julio Mario Santadomingo, Salon SD-716


3:30 pm a 5:00 pm


Leído 7705 Tiempo Última modificación Miércoles, 15 Marzo 2017 09:54