




Department Head

Mario Sanchez

Mario Eduardo Sánchez Puccini

Mario completed his undergraduate and master's studies in Computer and Systems Engineering at the Universidad de los Andes. He holds a Ph. D in Science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and a Ph.D in Engineering from the Universidad de los Andes.

In 2011 he joined the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering as an assistant professor and since then he has been associated with the department and has participated as a lecturer in both the undergraduate program and the Master's programs in IT Architectures, Master's in Information Technologies for Business and Master's in Systems Engineering, as well as in the PhD in Innovation Management of the faculties of Engineering, Architecture and Design and Administration.

Between 2004 and 2006 he was a researcher in the pedagogical and technological project Cupi2, to support processes of teaching programming to undergraduate students of Engineering and from 2018 he participated in the new project of reform of programming courses that gave rise to the course Introduction to Programming, which is being adopted by several faculties of the University, and to the Senecode platform.

His work as a researcher has focused on the area of architecture and the application of architecture and modeling techniques in specific domains, especially in the field of business process modeling and automation. Recently, Mario has also studied issues related to the teaching of programming and the construction of aids to support deliberate practice and skill development. Since 2014 he has been the leader of the research group TICSw: Information Technologies and Software Construction, ranked A1 by Colciencias.

Council of DISC

consejo depto 02 

DISC is composed by its head of department, academic and program coordinators, infrastructure staff, and all our faculty.

Additionally, the Graduate School has a committee composed by its academic and program coordinators, administrative coordinator and our head of department. Also, each program has an academic committee composed by its coordinators and faculty involved in these programs.

  • Juan Pablo Fernández

      Coordinador académico

    Juan Pablo Fernández

      Oficina: ML 770
      Correo: pregisis@uniandes.edu.co

  • Juan Diego Jiménez

      Coordinador de infraestructura

    Juan Diego Jiménez

      Oficina: ML 605
      Correo: jujimene@uniandes.edu.co

  • Natalia Franco Tamara

      Coordinador académico

    Natalia Franco Tamara

      Oficina: ML 769
      Correo: magisist@uniandes.edu.co

  • Carlos Rozo

      Auxiliar administrativo

    Carlos Rozo

      Oficina: ML Recepción Séptimo piso (ML 765)
      Correo: crozo@uniandes.edu.co

  • Angie Lorena Pedraza Sabogal

      Auxiliar administrativo

    Angie Lorena Pedraza Sabogal

      Oficina: ML Recepción Séptimo piso (ML 765)
      Correo: a.pedrazasabogal@uniandes.edu.co

Manager administrators

  • Johana Buitrago Villarraga

      Gestora académica

    Johana Buitrago Villarraga

      Oficina: ML 766
      Correo: nj.buitrago@uniandes.edu.co

  • Jenny Katherin Niño Garcia

      Gestora administrativa y financiera

    Jenny Katherin Niño Garcia

      Oficina: ML 766
      Correo: jk.nino@uniandes.edu.co

  • Valentina Gómez Salazar

      Gestora de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones

    Valentina Gómez Salazar

      Oficina: ML-791
      Correo: v.gomez22@uniandes.edu.co


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