Seminario IMAGINE: Advances in Robust Single-Object Tracking and Activity Recognition

Los invitamos al séptimo seminario del grupo de investigación IMAGINE del semestre 201510, el cual tiene como invitado especial al Prof. Bernard Ghanem, quien hablará sobre Advances in Robust Single - Object Tracking and Activity Recognition.

In this talk, I will give an overview of the recent research advances made in the Image and Video Understanding Lab (IVUL) at KAUST, with regards to single-object tracking and activity recognition. I will highlight the merits of using structured and robust appearance representations (e.g. sparse, group sparse, and low-rank) in tracking a generic object in video, using the particle filter framework. Furthermore, I will present the details of a new large-scale activity recognition/detection benchmark, called ActivityNet. Similar to how ImageNet revolutionized object recognition in images, ActivityNet is expected to enable the design of next-generation action recognition/detection methods.

seminario 06 03 1


 12:50pm – 1:00pm: Bienvenida y Refrigerio
 1:00pm – 1:30pm: Advances in Robust Single-Object Tracking and Activity Recognition
 1:40pm - 1:50pm: Preguntas, discusión y retroalimentación.

 Fecha: 9 de marzo del 2015

 Hora: 12:50 m - 1:50 p.m.

 Lugar: Edificio ML Auditorio C

 Más información de Bernard Ghanem AQUÍ

Profesores: Pablo Figueroa, Fernando De La Rosa, Marcela Hernández, José Tiberio Hernández, Vanessa Pérez

¡Los esperamos!

Additional Info

  • Fecha: 2015-03-09
  • Hora: 12:50 m - 1:50 p.m
  • Lugar: Edificio Mario Laserna - Auditorio C, Universidad de los Andes Cra. 1 Este No. 19 A - 40
Read 5893 times Last modified on Friday, 06 March 2015 11:27