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Lanzamiento del capítulo colombiano de Tecnología Vehicular - Jornada IEEE

Invitamos a todos nuestros estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado a participar en la jornada IEEE el próximo 15 de mayo. 

Durante esta jornada tres expertos internacionales miembros de IEEE quienes hablaran sobre tecnología vehicular. Igualmente se realizará el lanzamiento del capítulo de Tecnología Vehicular.

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Inscripción previa:

jalel ben othman

Jalel Ben-Othman

University of Paris 13, Paris, France

Sponsored by IEEE Communications  Society under its Distinguished Lecturer Program

Lecture: DoS in Vanets an issue or a fatality 

Prof. Ben-Othman received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees both in Computer Science from the University of  Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6) France in 1992, and 1994 respectively. He received his PhD degree from the University of Versailles, France, in 1998. He is currently full professor at the University of Paris 13 since 2011. Dr. Ben-Othman's research interests are in the area of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, VANETs, IoT, performance evaluation and  security in wireless networks in general. He was the recipient of the IEEE ComSoc Communication Software technical committee Recognition Award in 2016, the IEEE computer society Meritorious Service Award in 2016,  and he is a Golden Core Member of IEEE Computer Society.

He is currently in steering committee of IEEE Transaction on Mobile computing (IEEE TMC), an editorial board member of several journals (IEEE COMML, JCN, IJCS…). He has also served as TPC Co-Chair for  IEEE Globecom and ICC conferences and other conferences as   (IWCMC, VTC'14, ComComAp, ICNC, WCSP,  Q2SWinet, P2MNET, WLN,....).  He is the chair of the IEEE Ad Hoc and sensor networks technical committee since January 2016, he was previously the vice chair and secretary for this committee. He has been appointed as IEEE ComSoc distinguished lecturer since 2015 where he did several tours all around the world. He is member of IEEE technical services board since 2016. 


Alice Smith

Alice Smith

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, USA
IEEE Fellow

Sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society under its Distinguished Lecturer Program

Lecture: Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization

Alice E. Smith is the Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Distinguished Professor of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Auburn University, where she served as Department Chair from 1999-2011. She also has a joint appointment with the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Dr. Smith has degrees from Rice University, Saint Louis University and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dr. Smith’s research focus is analysis, modeling and optimization of complex systems with emphasis on computation inspired by natural systems. She holds one U.S. patent and several international patents and has authored more than 200 publications which have garnered over 2,800 citations and an H Index of 24 (ISI Web of Science) and over 9,000 citations and an H Index of 42 (Google Scholar).

Several of her papers are among the most highly cited in their respective journals including the most cited paper of Reliability Engineering & System Safety and the 2nd most cited paper of IEEE Transactions on Reliability. She won the E. L. Grant Best Paper Awards in 1999 and in 2006, and the William A. J. Golomski Best Paper Award in 2002. Dr. Smith is an Area Editor of both INFORMS Journal on Computing and Computers & Operations Research and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.


Ekram Hossain

Ekram Hossain

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
IEEE Fellow
Sponsored by IEEE Vehicular Technology Society under its Distinguished Lecturer Program

Lecture: Activation of Mobile Edge Computing Servers Under User QoE Constraint: A Minority Game Model

Ekram Hossain (IEEE Fellow) is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. He is a Member (Class of 2016) of the College of the Royal Society of Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Victoria, Canada, in 2001. Dr. Hossain's current research interests include design, analysis, and optimization of wireless, mobile, cognitive, and green communication networks with emphasis on 5G cellular, applied game theory, and network economics. He has authored/edited several books in these areas (http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~hossaina).

He has a citation count > 20,000 in Google Scholar and h-index of 71 to date and he was listed as a 2017 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher. He was elevated to an IEEE Fellow “for contributions to spectrum management and resource allocation in cognitive and cellular radio networks". He received the 2017 IEEE Communications Society TCGCC (Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing) Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award “for outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking". Currently he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Press and an Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications. Previously, he served as the as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (2012-2016), Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in the area of “Resource Management and Multiple Access'' (2009-2011), an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing} (2007-2012), and an Editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series (2011-2014).

Dr. Hossain has won several research awards including the “2017 IEEE Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award”, IEEE VTC 2016-Fall “Best Student Paper Award” as a co-author, IEEE Communications Society Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee's Best Paper Award in IEEE Globecom 2015, University of Manitoba Merit Award in 2010, 2013, 2014, and 2015 (for Research and Scholarly Activities), the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Fred Ellersick Prize Paper Award, and the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2012 (WCNC'12) Best Paper Award. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2012-2015). Currently he is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Dr. Hossain is an elected Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society for the term 2018-2020. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Manitoba, Canada.


Martes 15 de mayo de 2018


6:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Inscripción previa:


Salón ML 603  - Edificio Mario Laserna 

Calle 19 A # 1 - 82

Universidad de los Andes

Additional Info

  • Fecha: 2018-05-15
  • Hora: 6:00pm
  • Lugar: ML 603
Read 4779 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 10:39