Semantic Knowledge Engineering and Applications
Descripción general del curso
During the past years large-scale systems have experienced a constant evolution, addressing data ecosystems of an increasing scale and complexity. The persistent demand for advanced interoperability models has pushed the progressive development of the semantic technology. Such a technology, as the name itself suggests, aims at the specification of formal semantics that are adopted in order to give meanings to disparate raw data, information and knowledge, enabling in fact ecosystems suitable to advanced reasoning.
The core difference between the semantic technology and other data technologies, for instance the relational database, is its focus on the meaning of the data rather than on its structure only. The most relevant branch of the semantic technology is the Semantic Web technology, which uniquely identifies concepts and builds relationships among them through the Web infrastructure, enabling a global mechanism for linking data with each other.
This course is aimed at providing the principles underpinning the current Web semantic technology, as well as the skills required to enable that technology in real environments, eventually within complex systems. Bridging the gap between theory and application requires a contextual understanding of the semantic technology, in which the different aspects of knowledge and software engineering converge according to an integrated methodology.
We will establish such a methodology holistically and step-by-step, involving progressively all the assets required (languages, tools, software APIs) to build complete semantic ecosystems. An overview of the most popular applications, both with the empirical evaluation of the performance, will be an added value for the course which will end exploring the possible evolution of the semantic technology as well as some research open issues.
Información del curso
Curso: 27de Junio al 14 de Julio
PhD. Salvatore Flavio Pileggi
PhD. María del Pilar Villamil
Domingo 25 |
Lunes 26 |
Martes 27 |
Miércol. 28 |
Jueves 29 |
Viernes 30 |
Sábado 1 |
Domingo 2 |
Lunes 3 |
Martes 4 |
Miércol. 5 |
Jueves 6 |
Viernes 7 |
Sábado 8 |
Domigo 9 |
Lunes 10 |
Martes 11 |
Miércol. 12 |
Jueves 13 |
Viernes 14 |
Sábado 15 |
6:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m |
9:00 .m. - 1:00 p.m. |
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Estudiantes ISIS:
Electiva profesional
En caso que un estudiante de la Escuela de Posgrado curse MINE-4203: SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS e ISIS-4514: SEMANTIC WEB solo una de las dos materias será utilizada en el proceso de validación de requisitos de grado.
PhD. Salvatore Flavio Pileggi
Institución: The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
He is a Research Fellow in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) at the University of Queensland (Australia). His research is currently focusing on different aspects of Computational Science and eResearch, including, among others, Knowledge Representation, Data Engineering and Analytics. Previously, after a short experience as a Software Engineer in 2007, he has held research-focused positions at top-level institutions in Spain (Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2007-2012), in New Zealand (University of Auckland, 2013-2014) and in France (INRIA & UPMCLIP6, 2014-2016). In those years he has been working across multiple research areas including (but not limitedto) Cyber-Physical Systems, Semantic Technologies and Cloud Computing. He received a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the University of Calabria (Italy) in 2005 and a Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in Communications from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) in 2011. He have authored/co-authored well over 40 peer-reviewed research papers, as well as he has been involved in more than 10 collaborative research projects. Extensive information and full CV available at:
PhD. María del Pilar Villamil Giraldo
Institución: Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Profesora Asociada
Ph.D. en Informática, Institut National Polytechnique, Grenoble, Francia
Comuníquese con María del Pilar Villamil